Greater Triad Chapter of NCPAC

Greater Triad Chapter of the North Carolina Professional Appraisers Coalition

Greensboro Area selected as possible site for 2012 NCPAC Conference Site

Congratulations Greater Triad area!  At the latest meeting of NCPAC board held on July 21st in Asheboro, the NCPAC board members selected Greater Triad area as a potential area for the 2012 Conference.  Per the NCPAC bylaws, the location of the following year's conference location must be selected in advance. The Wilmington area had already been selected for the 2011 conference, but we needed to select one for 2012 to meet the bylaws.

Since it has been several years since we have had a conference in the Greensboro area, your area was selected as a possible site to return to for a conference.  It may be a similar format as we have used the past several years, a one day conference.  Or depending upon the success of this 2010 year's conference in Charlotte, we may be trying a new schedule, where the annual  meeting is held the night before with a social following.  This would allow us to have an entire full conference day devoted to speakers and topics of interest to the appraisers of NC, and perhaps an interactive session.  

The suggestion of having a more interactive conference and having it in Greensboro was brought to the board through a Committee of 100 survey in which one of your own GTC-NCPAC members, Margo Jarrett, who expressed concern that the appraisers of NC needed to have an opportunity to be heard, be able to voice their concerns, and interact with NCPAC Board Members.  The 2010 Conference schedule of events has not been released for this reason.  We are trying to work on a new format; we may still have some speakers, as there are many issues and questions regarding the newly passed AMC bill.  Several suggestions for speakers have been NC Representative Brubaker or NC Senator Jenkins who sponsored the bill.  But we are also working on a possible Q&A session as well, stay tuned for more information in the upcoming Scope.

In any case it will be an interesting and informative 2010 Conference and your input in the direction of the conference has been taken into advisement!  Congratulations Greater Triad area, we look forward to working with you to promote a fantastic 2012 Conference!

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